
The Dangers of Smoking | Bleeding Gums Treatments from your Periodontist

When many people consider the oral health impacts of smoking, they typically think of yellow, stained teeth, and smoker’s breath. However, the health impacts of this habit impact quite severely on one’s mouth, and in particular, the health of their gums.

Studies have found that smokers are three to six times more likely to develop gum disease over the course of their lives. Partly, this is due to the increased amount of calculus and plaque found on the teeth of smokers, the building blocks of damaging tartar.

If not cleaned properly and consistently, plaque becomes tartar, which can damage a tooth’s tough exterior, leading to cavities. This is especially true when, over time, tartar builds up under your gumline, leading to a ‘pocket’ of tartar impacting upon the tooth, out of the reach of your toothbrush.

Therefore, it is very important that smokers do not skimp on either their oral health habits, or their visits to the dentist. That said, another impact of smoking can hurt their odds of a successful corrective procedure. Smokers typically exhibit less blood flow around their gums, which while it reduces bleeding, can also dry out gum tissue. This means it is less accepting of dental procedures, and can take considerably longer to heal properly.

On top of this, the drier mouths of smokers are more prone to the build up of tartar and other bacterial elements. Our saliva is more than just lubrication for our mouths – it serves to actively fight infections and neutralises acids from our foods that can break down tooth enamel.

Overall, quitting smoking is more than just an investment in your heart and lungs – it can improve the state of your gums and teeth, in more than just the aesthetic sense.