
The LANAP Treatment Revolution

Traditional methods of coping with gingivitis and periodontitis involve cleaning underneath the gumline to treat infected, inflamed gum tissues and remove bacterial pockets. They have remained unchanged for a number of years. Dental scraping and removal techniques today are still done with the specialised curettes and dental scrapers of dental


Your Periodontist for Adelaide discusses gum ailments

At National Periodontics, we are Adelaide’s specialists in treating gum disease and ailments. With specialist qualifications in our area, we are able to create solutions for any and all ailments of the gums, with proper treatment, care, and surgical options. This area of dentistry is highly specialised, and for good


Importance of Dental Implants

Everyone wants their smile to last a lifetime and when you opt for dental implants, it will. There are a number of reasons why you should replace missing or damaged teeth; it’s crucial for the health of the rest of your teeth as well as for your overall health. When


Should you see a Periodontist?

Periodontists are specialist dentists who look into the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases and infections in the gums and that of the jawbone to which the teeth are anchored. Periodontists are dentists who have had 3 years of additional training beyond the 4 years of regular dental college and